Discussion: Battlefield Heroes
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Vieux 03/07/2009, 21h26
MagicTT Napoleon Napoleon est déconnecté
Junior Member
Date d'inscription: juillet 2009
Messages: 8
Par défaut

Envoyé par ToToR KeYzEr Voir le message
j ai eu le mail pour les médaille mais les BF me disent rien

voilà une copie du mail :

Redeem the code below and get 200 free Battlefunds to use on appearance items, emotes, and widgets (XP Boost, VP Boost)!


In order to continue getting emails from the Heroes team with great exclusive offers and codes for in-game items, be sure to opt-in to receive emails! Note: You must be logged in to see this page.

If you need to reset your beta account details, just go to: http://beta.battlefield-heroes.com.

As always, the Heroes team appreciates your testing, bug-reporting, and feedback. All of your valuable input is helping us to make a great game awesome.

The Battlefield Heroes Team
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